Monday, April 24, 2006

Cowboys & Superheros

Our little "Jiaoza Cowboys" on their blazing saddles
Our favorite Jiaoza restaurant has cannons and saddles out on the front porch, and "boys will be boys"-they had to have a ride.
The other day the boys got out nearly all their dress-up stuff- capes, bandanas, and fire hat, and put on every stitch of it and traded outfits back & forth for 10 or 15 minutes!
Who says little boys don't like to play "dress up" too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your updates, and I'll check in often. It's wonderful to witness the steps of faith that it took to get you there, as well as to keep you there. I'm praying for you and your family -- stateside and abroad -- and know that God will work his best for you as you keep stepping in obedience. Please let us know if there's anything you need (or want -- sometimes it's nice to be surprised by silly things as much as large things ;-D).

God is faithful!
