Friday, April 07, 2006

Brazillian night in Central Asia!

Tonight we had a Brazillian night on the town! We had been told about a place in our city to get red meat, so we went to scope it out. Well, if you've ever been to a churra-scurria in the US (or Brazil, I suppose), you know what we experienced... beef steaks, lamb, more beef steaks... it was great for these steak-lovin' Texans! But what we loved most was that we'd been praying for Ethan to have some encounters with kids his own age... he's so social & needs that interaction... well, take a look:He made a little buddy, Atila (pronounced "Aah-til-aah") and they danced the night away to Brazillian band music and had a great time together!

Then, on the way home when we got off the bus, what should we find, but a man with a cart selling things that looked suspiciously like tortillas??? Well, I bought 6 of them (for the equivalent of 36 cents) and they TASTE like tortillas! Breakfast burritos, here we come!

What a great night full of Spanish flavor... who knew we'd ever find that here?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks happy!

Love, Gran Bren