Friday, November 18, 2005

Patience, Preparation & Packing

It's been a while, and so much has happened. We've been getting our house o' stuff condensed & ready to be put on the market, and we met a couple that'll be going through language school with us once we get overseas... but we still have a lot to do!

We're being prepared for patience overseas. Many things continue to happen to test our level of patience... an example: Last night, we flew in after 6 great days in Huntsville, and when we got to the car in the airport parking lot, lo & behold, the battery was dead! Exhaustion and frustration are fast friends! But I just kept thinking- "okay, now imagine this entire situation in a foreign language... complete with confusion and hand motions on both sides"! That kept my perspective in check. Well, the airport had a service for assisting with charging batteries, FOR FREE! What a blessing! Sometimes we have to learn God's lessons the hard way, but it's so wonderful when He teaches us gently.

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