Monday, August 15, 2005

"2 DOLLARS?... Will you take a dollar fifty?"

Well, we got rid of a great many of our things in a yard sale yesterday. Ethan kept asking, "Why they buying our stuff?" And I'm so glad it's just "stuff" to him too, even though he did have one melt down concerning a departing Mr. Potato Head that he didn't know we'd put in the sale. He had sorted through most of his toys, but that one was thrown in the pile at the last minute. Aside from that, it was an incredible day- especially full of relief about the "stuff" and all the accompanying headaches that were rapidly driving away from us.

You never really know how much you're weighed down by all the "stuff". It took the awareness that we were going to be headed abroad for us to realize how much it occupied our concerns, desires, money, and minds.

This Chris Tomlin song has been running through my mouth and my head- he asks, "What reveals the Father's love?" and "What can fill the emptiness?" Contrary to many voices out there today, the answer isn't God's "blessings" of more stuff! Tomlin names it- "Mighty is the power of the cross!"

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