Sunday, July 13, 2008

Can they REALLY be Four & Six???

Last week, Ethan turned six, and this week, Baxter will turn four. It's hard to believe our sons are this old. In some ways it seems like yesterday that they were each born, and in other ways, it feels like a lifetime. Here are some pictures of them showing off and enjoying some birthday gifts:

Enjoying a horse "Buckaroo" game:

(Pointing to our "home" here:)

Thanks grandparents for such fun birthday presents-- the boys are having a BLAST!


Anonymous said...

Jess I am so glad you had fun celebrating Ethan's birthday, it looks like they had so much fun. I can't believe they are almost 6 and 4, wild...
Happy Birthday to Ethan and Baxter!! Does Ethan still like chocolate milk? I remember Baxter with his bag of cheerios, they were so little then. Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Papa and I are so glad that we sent that Buckaroo game. That was one of those decisions that we are excited that we did get! They are getting a lot of enjoyment out of it! It looks like they really had a blast on their birthdays! Baxter will be so thrilled that he will actually be 4 soon! They are so precious!

Anonymous said...

That last comment was made by Nana & Papa! ha!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ethan and soon Baxter from Gran Pere and Gran Bren!

We miss you all and are excited that you liked our presents. Seemed a good idea to send a United States map and puzzles...What about the place mats? Learn so much from them!

Love you all, the Matthews