Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pic Picks

I thought I'd post some recent photos of the kids... there are so many at this point that I'm having to pick a few of the best of all the really great photos I've taken, but I'm trying to choose ones that either tell a story or are just too precious to NOT post (read: pictures of Mei Mei in her various hats). :)

The boys now usually climb up stairs together. Baxter used to want to hold one of our hands when we started up the stairs, but recently, he's started reaching out for Ethan's hand to go up the twelve flights of stairs (six floors, twelve flights)! In this picture, Ethan's hanging his head and hamming it up as if it's SO much slower to go up with Baxter, but Ethan's been generally patient and does a good job "helping" his brother.

And here's a photo of Maranatha smiling at Daddy while getting into her fuzzy warm outfit for going out into the cold. I'm not certain about this, but I think she reserves these beautifully big smiles for Doug alone. And of course, it wraps him even tighter around her little fingers! There's some kind of twinkle in her eye for him that doesn't happen for anyone else. I really can't say that I blame her! :)

The boys recently re-discovered their cowboy outfits (thanks to GranBren & GranPere!) and have been apprehending and jailing all the "bad guys" in our apartment. Baxter sometimes trips over his (he's still growing into it), but they have a great time!


Kim said...

Jenna has that same winter fleece that Ethan is wearing in the stairs picture!

Six years, and three gorgeous kiddos. I know you know it, but you are truly blessed. :) Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Gran Pere and I just laughed and laughed seeing how Ethan and Baxter were being the "sheriffs" of their town!

Ethan and Baxter, the horses are all healthy and eating the expensive hay we are having to buy because of the dry weather! They miss you both, too.

Love, Gran Bren and Gran Pere