Friday, April 28, 2006

Date night for Doug & Jess

Tonight some friends offered to watch the boys, so Doug & I went out for what may be our last date night for quite some time. We started out with a kind of fried chicken and some of our favorite tortillas purchased from carts at our busstop, and dinner for both of us cost 6 kwai (roughly 75 cents). Then we took a bus to a local market, where we captured this picture of the mosque at dusk (if you look closely, you'll see Colonel Sanders on the left wall in front of the mosque):Then we went to the night market, which was incredibly beautiful! They have strands of lights hanging over the walkway, with carnival-type games, small shops & a wide variety of things for sale!And in case you aren't sure what you want for dinner, this cart has a quite blatant way of advertising what they offer: anyone up for goat?

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