Saturday, June 25, 2005

Why the name "Red Road Report"?

So you might be wondering, why the name "Red Road Report"... well, in Randy Alcorn's book, Edge of Eternity, the main guy (Nick Seagrave) is in a sci-fi-ish unknown land. There are a couple of roads from which to choose. He follows a gray one (nearly everyone's on that road), and after many days of travel he realizes it goes in circles, never getting you anywhere. So, in frustration, he decides to follow the red road he saw the first day in this new land. It's a harder road (only a few people are even on it) and it takes a lot of faith and perserverance, because there's no guarantees of where it's heading, except that he knows it's the one the Carpenter took. After choosing to stay on the road and follow the Carpenter's lead, one day he finds out that the reason why it's red is that it was tinted with the blood of the Carpenter.

That's not only Nick's story, but our story as well. We follow the Carpenter on the red road made possible by His blood. We also felt it was appropriate, because the country we're likely headed to has a love for the color red. Hope you like reading the Red Road Report!

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