Silas James is HERE!!!
Here's his first picture, just minutes after birth:
He was born at 8:36 pm, March 20, 2008 (the first day of spring). Weighing in at 7 pounds, 9 ounces, he arrived 3 days before his due date on Easter Sunday. Contractions had been on and off for several days, but started coming on stronger around 5:30pm; we went to the hospital at 7pm, and he was born just 90 minutes later, completely naturally (which is what we had been praying for).
Very Beautiful Baby and the rest of you look Great Too!
Love, Gran Bren and Gran Pere
Very Beautiful Baby and the rest of you look Great Too!
Love, Gran Bren and Gran Pere
Hey guys this is aaron... he looks so good! I think it's cause of his middle name, right? Man, Maranatha looks so big and sweet... I can't believe how beautiful she is! Tell mom hi for me and tell her that the boys loved their gifts! See you guys!
Congratulations, guys!! We are so happy for the 6 of you. I've been thinking about you guys a lot lately. Yesterday we moved to LR. In Keller I had to sort everything for apartment and storage. I thought of you when you sold everything and moved away. I desire to live so much more freely of "stuff" much like you guys. We're workin' on it! (Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven where moths and rust do not destroy and theives don't break in and steal)
Congratulations to all of you!!! Silas is absolutely beautiful.
What a blessing, and you all look so joyful! We're so happy for you. Wow -- have to update that prayer card picture again! ;-)
"Great is Thy faithfulness!"
Sandra SHBC
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