Same & Different
Here in Istanbul, some things are the same as you'd find in "Anytown", America... and some things are quite different.
For example, Starbucks looks the same:

But sometimes the architecture looks quite different, with old, decrepit buildings literally right in the middle of modern apartments and shops:

Patriotism is very obvious here in Istanbul, where flags often decorate the balconies and windows of businesses and apartments. While we in America often display our flags for holidays and such, Turks will leave their flags up year round!
CATS ARE EVERYWHERE!!! I don't know that many people keep them as pets, but they are treated like community pets, I suppose because they keep mice and varmints away. Often, we'll pass piles of cat food laid out on sidewalks with hungry cats devouring it. We don't know who puts it there (whether it's the same people every time or different people each day), but they definitely get fed and cared for by the community and literally are everywhere you go in this metropolitan city!
Mosaic sidewalks and alleyways aren't what I'd call "common" here, but they are found at various places throughout the city, and they are beautiful!
1 comment:
I love the mosaic designs! That is beautiful. It is very interesting how Starbucks can look just like the one on the corner here in the US. I found that crazy when we were in Thailand and came back here, and walked into a Starbucks. It was a bit strange to have it look exactly the same and be so far away. Seeing cats everywhere is something too! They are tough creatures and can withstand so much!
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