Everyday Things
Forgive me for not being a faithful family blogger lately.
I've begun to realize that there were FAR more unique and attention- grabbing things to take pictures of and write about when we lived in China than there are here in Istanbul. This is a city, just like many big cities in the world. Many of the pictures I could take would look familiar to you: full of restaurants, traffic, tall buildings, and busy people.
Yes, there are, culturally, different things here, and I'll continue to try to point them out as we have the opportunity. But our everyday lives aren't NEAR as visually striking and jarring as our everyday lives where when we lived in China. And that's OK. We are adjusting to "normalcy", which we haven't had in quite a long time. And we're enjoying the everyday, normal things of life.
#1- WE NOW HAVE A DRYER!!! It makes life so much easier, and Jess is really reveling in not having everything take 2-3 days to dry, now that it's the colder, rainier season.

These are a few of our favorite "everyday" things here in Istanbul!
Güzel ailem! (My beautiful family!) Great set of pics and indicative of one of family-favorite things to do.
BTW, those are Buffalo Bills jerseys, NOT New York Giants. What a great gift, huh? Takes me back to the 90s ('the olden days') when the 'Boys crushed the Bills in two different Super Bowls.
I love those pictures! What fun for them to have those dress up clothes. Maranatha is so beautiful. She looks so pretty! I love the way that park looks, and the cushiony ground is awesome! I know they must love that place!
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