Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Family Goodbyes


Kim said...

Hey - how are you doing home with Baxter and Mei Mei this week? I hope you're not too lonely.

I'd love to see an "around the apartment" post of your new place!

And is this the longest you've ever been away from Ethan? You're a brave Mommy. :)

How are you feeling these days?

Jess Connell said...

:) I'm doing OK, Kim. Not too lonely- thanks to Baxter... he likes to come up and sit by me while he plays cars or reads, and we snuggle together, so that's been nice.

I'll do an apartment post sometime in the next month or so. I'm still working on our bedroom, but everything else looks presentable.

Yes this IS the longest Ethan and I have ever been apart! By FAR! And the longest Doug and I have ever been apart. And the longest he's been away from Baxter and Maranatha.

So yeah, it's been a rough time- we're all missing each other a lot... Maranatha, at least once a day, has gone to the window on the balcony (where we yelled "goodbye" to them as they walked away) and yelled, "DA DA, DA DA, DA DA" over and over again... so she's wondering where he is, too! Baxter has been extra emotional and has gotten sad about missing them several times... we're all feeling it!

As for how I'm feeling... the morning sickness has pretty much vanished completely. I'm feeling tired, but only having two little ones that go to bed at 8 and wake up at 7 makes that a nice benefit! I just have been going to bed earlier, and so I'm getting good rest.

All that to say, I'm doing OK except for that I'm missing Doug and Ethan. Can't wait to hug them both again and all be back together!

Thanks for asking-

Anonymous said...

I'll remember you all in prayer. Imagine all the great stories you'll have to share when you reunite. :-)

He is faithful Who has promised...
