Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bluebonnets, Baseball, and Other Texas Traditions

Here's our pretty little Maranatha, carefully inspecting a Texas bluebonnet.
She just took her first two steps last night!
Sadly, this was the best picture we got of the three of them, as the digital camera battery died just at the wrong moment. I wonder, could there BE a worse bluebonnet picture? :)

Baxter and Ethan love playing outside
(notice that it was warm enough for shorts-- this was several weeks ago)

The boys enjoyed an egg & candy hunt at Doug's Aunt MaryAnn's home on Easter Sunday.
(notice that they are wearing jackets- it had snowed the day before!)

Maranatha enjoyed the visit with Doug's family
(here, she's with his Great Aunt, who we call "Aunt Doc" because she's an MD)

We were glad to see Doug's youngest brother, Michael, who was in town for Spring Break

We signed Ethan up for a teeball league for however much longer we're here. He is loving it, and is by far the most alert kid on the field. No dirt digging by him- he is totally into baseball!

Maranatha has had a great time "watching" teeball with Papa (Jessica's dad).

We're thankful that the kids & grandparents in particular have had this special time together.


Anonymous said...

Those pictures are SOOOOOOOOOO precious! I just love them! Lots of neat family shots!!!! I laughed and laughed at the bluebonnet picture of the three of them!!!!! Your comments were so funny! That is really awesome!!!! ha!

Kim said...

I remember thinking when you moved - "Oh, bummer! No Maranatha bluebonnet pictures!" I am so glad that He has plans bigger than ours, that allowed for something as silly as bluebonnet pictures for Maranatha, so she can be part of the tradition! They are lovely!