Ethan is officially a kid.
A bright, inquisitive and funny little guy. He's 4&1/2, so 25% of our parenting of him is over and done with. First quarter returns show a better than expected gain: he's super-tall, super-smart, and so tuned into spiritual things. That last part's my favorite part. Today, at lunch, we asked the boys who their favorite Bible character was, and I was definitely assuming it would be David because he fought the giant, or (2) Daniel because he was in the lion's den, or some such kid-sized story. Nope. It was Joshua. "Because he led his disciples (his words) to march around the city, and they got out their trumpets. But it wasn't the trumpets that made the walls fall down; it was God."
We just started a pre-K curriculum of reading books together and he is loving that. And I'm totally loving his curiosity these days... not just what? and why? but now it's how does that work? and why did he do that? and was that a trick or did that really happen? What a fun thing it is to be a parent! Here's a shot of the 2 smiley boys together:

The Psalmist got it right: "Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him."
Jess - sorry I didn't get a chance to call you back today. I was napping (a luxury!) and then we were out. I am going to try to call you tomorrow. I must say it was great to hear your voice!
And about the kid thing, isn't it crazy?! Jenna is so old, it is crazy.
A funny story for you...Tuesday (I am telling everyone this story, it's going to be one of the ones she knows by heart when she's older) we were driving in the car, and she says to me, "Kimmie? You know when I grow up and be a veterinarian and get married and come home and see my husband and kids?" Me: "Yeah?" Jenna: "Well, I am going to have two babies, because I told God." I love the faith! :)
I said, "Well, I told God...he has just answered in a different way! And it's okay not to be married!" She says...
"Kimmie, you really need to hurry and find a man, because if you dont? You'll have to become a farmer."
Out of the mouth of babes...
Hi! It's Ms. Marlene here! I've been checking back regularly to see what's going on and I've been praying for y'all! I must say that I agree that if you have to be somewhere away from your people group that Texas is the best place to be. If y'all have the time or means to visit MLC while you're in the D.C. area, I'd love to see Baxter again and meet Maranatha for the first time. Blessings and love to all of you!
Dear Ethan and Baxter,
We miss you so much and it is so good to see your pictures. You guys are growing up so quick. We love you guys. We will tell Jas. hi for you!
Dear D and J,
Love you guys! These are great pictures!
Love J and G
Hey Connell Family -
Your kids are so adorable! I can't believe how big all of them are getting! We welcomed our newsest family member, Asha Faith, into the world on Jan 12. She's beautiful and definitely a gift from the Lord.
I was lifting you up yesterday and thought I would check out the blog for an update so I could be more specific. We'll remember to ask for endurance as you are waiting and for wisdom for the doctors.
Enjoy your time in the US! Drink a cherry coke for me :)
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