Live from Hong Kong
Forgive us for not posting before now. As you can imagine, it's been a task just getting Jess and the kids to Hong Kong, getting semi-moved into our apartment here, getting groceries (everything's SO expensive here!), and taking care of all the details involved. This is a HUGE city! Just getting around here takes forever, especially with 3 little ones.
Doug is feeling better, aside from some really annoying muscle spasms and pin-prick-like pains that come on randomly in his limbs. And so far, all the tests have come back normal, which is a blessing, but also is puzzling. They did a spinal tap/lumbar puncture procedure today, and hopefully will have some results back from that and other tests early-to-mid-week next week. So just be lifting that up on our behalf.
The kids are doing great, so great, in fact, that you'd think they've been through a bunch of transitions recently or something! :) They are pros at this moving around business! As long as they have mom and dad (and their trusty stuffed animals, KittyCat and Turtle--adventurous names, we know), they do GREAT.We were able to spend a Thanksgiving meal with a couple friend we had made in Texas, and that was really nice. They have a great view of the ocean from their apartment, and it was really nice to get out of the city. We have also eaten some great Western food, which is nice, but we are very hopeful that we can return to our nice little small town, complete with 50 cent taxi rides and 2 dollar meals.
Hong Kong is beautiful, and we think it's a nice place to visit, but medical reasons are never a very great reason to visit a new city. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, wherever you spent it! Blessings~ love from the Connells
I am overwhelmed as I see the size of the city. I always knew Hong Kong was big, but seeing those pictures really show how massive it is! And how beautiful too! I'm so glad you are all together, along with Kitty-cat and Turtle. I know how important those stuffed animals are to Ethan and Baxter! I love you guys! Love, Nana
It's good to hear an update from you all. We'll be praying for the doctors to have wisdom to let you all know what's going on very soon.
Hey...Elam has Tiger...nothing wrong with the simple names. :) Silas did branch out with Max and Jack for his 2 dogs.
We've been remembering you in prayer. Glad you're back together. Please keep us posted on the tests.
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