Well, just when you thought you had "mei-mei" down, we have another new name for Maranatha! That's right. It is very common here for Americans to be re-named (given a Chinese name) by someone here (the same way that a foreigner in America will often take on an American name, for ease of introduction, spelling, and pronunciation). In the area where we live, there is also the likelihood that foreigners will be given a minority name as well, if they interact frequently with the minority groups here.

Here she is showing off the trick she's gotten so good at-- rolling over. (Look at her great tights that are all one piece but makes it look like she's wearing ballet slippers--what fun!)

This semester, Doug switched over from learning Mandarin to learning Kazakh. So, in Doug's language class the other day, we learned (I was listening in) that the Kazakh word for pearl is "Mahrjan" (I can't really think of how better to spell this... it includes a sound that we don't really have in English.) Try to make an "rrr" sound, and then add in a J/ZH sound with your tongue held up at the middle-to-back of the roof of your mouth, and you'll likely be pretty close. (Go on, try it!) Then try making that sound in between the two different syllables: "ma" (R/J/ZH) "awn" (as in dawn). Since Maranatha's middle name is Pearl, and the Kazakh name that means pearl is quite similar to the first two syllables of Maranatha, we decided with Doug's teacher to make it official: her Kazakh name is now Mahrjan.
MeiMei, Maranatha, Mahrjan--confused? Yeah, well, just wait until she gets a Chinese name! ;)
so cute! those tights are the best! is that a chinese thing or an american thing?
Hey Stephanie-
Those are American- got em at Old Navy back in January... I have various sizes for her-- in pink, black, and cream... I love em! It solves that problem of "do I really need to put shoes on her when she's clearly not gonna be walking around anywhere?" But as you can tell from the other photo, too... I've got shoes for her too! Girls are so much fun!
On a totally different note- did you notice that Jordan T. from OBU was quoted in a recent article in Christianity Today about Piper, reformed theology, etc.? Pretty interesting. We ran into him last year at the Piper conference in October. Anyway, I'm glad you still check the blog out... it's so nice to feel connected to people this way!
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