A Night Spent A'Wandering
Last night we went out with no real plan or purpose, except to eat & end up at a park called "Red Mountain Park" in the center of town, where Doug took the above picture of the pagoda and tower up on the mountain. So we began the night and wandered until we found a minority-run restaurant. It was great! The boys and Doug had a rice dish called "Polo" (pronounced--I think-- "pull-oh"), Doug also had some beef kabobs that were delicious, and I had a noodle, meat, and vegetable meal called Logmahn. Logmahn is SO good- there are so many flavors and spices here that I've never encountered anywhere else!
By the way Baxter eats rice and Ethan drinks tea, you'd think they have grown up here! Baxter eats a plate or bowl of rice like nobody's business, and Ethan drank 3 bowls of tea last night!
So after we ate, we let the boys run around the park- there were several little bridges and a pagoda for them to explore, and then we got a taxi to go home. Upon seeing the two little boys, the driver changed his dashboard TV to start playing "Tom & Jerry", so we had a really fun ride home. What a swank ride & a great end to a nice evening out on the town!
very cute babies
As a "dumb" american, I wouldn't have ever thought a taxi there would have more amenities than here. I guess we'll get our world view changed though when we get to England this summer. I can't remember if we told y'all before, but I got accepted to PhD studies at Univ of Durham, a school on the NE England coast very near the Scottish boarder. We're super excited and in the process of getting rid of everything so we can just move with the luggage we can carry.
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